Didactic Exercise 1.1 - "A Message from [REDACTED]"


This place has a way of making us think about the kind of future our young people will have.

Everything we do here, we weigh on tomorrow's scales.

Keeping our economy strong and free from the terrible inflation of a few years ago will bring stability into the lives of those just beginning their families.

Keeping taxes low and big government under control, encouraging growth and economic freedom.

These will create new employment opportunities, so important to those just leaving school for their first jobs and buying their first homes.

This will also allow our entrepreneurs and businessmen to pursue profit and growth without concern for undue restrictions.

And keeping our nation strong, maintaining the integrity of our borders and always striving for peace and security, well, nothing is more important than that.

What we do here may be important, but what we leave behind is even more important.

We take no obligation more seriously.

THE SILENT MAJORITY [More Information]