The artistic collective known as WORKER & PARASITE, at the direction of Central Committee for Entertainment Chair XXXXXXXX, have been authorised to release a new musical work for the entertainment and education of party members.
The work, ECON SOPRO (ee•kon soh•proh | \ i: kⱰn səʊ prəʊ), takes aim at the ASPIRATIONAL CLASS. These reformists of the lowest order hold the contradictory view that a society can effectively pursue progressive ideals whilst allowing the CAPITALIST CLASS to remain intact. This is a DANGEROUS FALSEHOOD that must be RESISTED without exception. The problem is the SYSTEM ITSELF, not any one individual's place within it. The only route to the WHOLESALE LIBERATION of the WORKERS OF THE WORLD is REVOLUTION. The advocacy of ANYTHING LESS plays into the hands of THE RULING CLASS.
ECON SOPRO has been designed in accordance with approved party protocols to educate party members and prospects to identify this INSIDIOUS FORM of CONSERVATISM and its inevitable consequences. ECON SOPRO aims to incite a broad and DETERMINED RESISTANCE against the staggering COGNITIVE DISSONANCE of the ASPIRATIONAL CLASS. In order for the PARTY to prevail, this message must be spread FAR AND WIDE.
ECON SOPRO was manufactured at Regional Party Headquarters xxxxxxxxxxx, NAARM, as per PARTY directive #R84391. Drums were recorded at Cactus Room. All other audio was recorded and produced at an undisclosed location late 2021 by PARTY TECHNICIANS under the express direction of Minister XXXXXXXXXXX. This work has been APPROVED for mass consumption and has been designated "CLASS-A GENERAL AVAILABILITY". Therefore, ECON SOPRO will be publicly available for dissemination and syndication as of: Fri 6 May 2022.
ECON SOPRO will be available to all existing and prospective PARTY MEMBERS via the usual capitalist proliferation services including (but not limited to):
Alternatively, audio files will be available for FREE ACCESS to all via (see ASSETS).
A SHORT FILM prepared by the MINISTRY OF CULTURE - MOVING PICTURE DIVISION has been prepared for coincident release. Also titled ECON SOPRO - the film acts as a visual companion to the aforementioned MUSICAL WORK. Through the utilisation of state-of-the-art green-screen technology and casting of the most accomplished thespians within the MINISTRY OF CULTURE, the companion film encourages maximum revolutionary engagement from Party Members.
Furthermore, ECON SOPRO represents 1 of 5 lessons selected to feature on an "extended-play" audio tape for the further education of Party members and Prospects regarding the endemic nature of NEOLIBERAL CAPITALIST DEMOCRACIES. Current projections indicate a RELEASE mid-2022 - pending all applicable Party approval protocols.
It is REQUIRED of all PARTY MEMBERS to consume and circulate ECON SOPRO upon the orders of Minister XXXXXXXXXXX of the Eighth Central Committee. THE PARTY is benevolent. LOVED ONES that may belong to the ASPIRATIONAL CLASS must be given the opportunity to see THE ERROR OF THEIR WAYS. Failure to adhere to these instructions will attract ENHANCED SCRUTINY from the Department of Compliance.
Sub-Committee Chair: J-092050
On Behalf of