Announcement for the information of PARTY MEMBERS

The musical collective known as WORKER & PARASITE, at the behest of the Central Committee for Entertainment Chair XXXXXXXX, have been authorised to release a new musical work for the benefit of the proletariat.

The work, MANIFEST DESTINY, explores the control exerted by capitalist interests through weaponised fear and ignorance touted by their media lapdogs, hired 'experts' and various sycophants. THE PARTY understands that it is the goal of the capitalist class to distract, divide and ultimately disenfranchise the WORKERS in order to continue their economic and political stranglehold over ever more isolated and impoverished populations. MANIFEST DESTINY has been designed in accordance with Approved PARTY Protocols to inspire and encourage PARTY MEMBERS and the general populace to exercise vigilance against those who sow hatred and attempt to turn the WORKING CLASS against itself.

MANIFEST DESTINY was manufactured at Regional Party Headquarters xxxxxxxxxxx, Naarm, as per Party directive #E44720. It was recorded and produced at an undisclosed location in early 2021 by PARTY technicians under the express direction of Minister XXXXXXXXXXX. This work has been approved for mass consumption and has been designated "CLASS-A GENERAL AVAILABILITY". Therefore, MANIFEST DESTINY will be publicly available for dissemination and syndication as of: Wednesday, 4 August 2021.

MANIFEST DESTINY will be available to all existing and prospective PARTY MEMBERS via the usual capitalist proliferation services including (but not limited to):

It is the duty of all PARTY MEMBERS to listen to and circulate MANIFEST DESTINY upon the orders of Minister XXXXXXXXXXX, the Minister of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development & Communications. Failure to adhere to these instructions will incur the attention of the Department of Compliance.


Sub-Committee Chair: J-092050
On Behalf of