PANIC! There's no reason to panic. The frantic transatlantic pandemic WON'T CHOKE SUPPLIES. China spreads lies, open both of your eyes, it's a covid PLOY to DESTROY from the radicals, hell-bent radicals, fanaticals. Fake news is faking factuals to damage our leaders, dear readers, dogmatical western capital can't be held-down and we DON'T LOCKDOWN.


BLAME. We'll find someone to blame, cause the rules of the world stage shame campaign DON'T CHANGE. Reject accountability, don't dare question our ability to spin back with an agility, from the base. It's the case which stopped a nation, a slow death by isolation, new conservative conservation, via measured stimulation to snap-BACK, roll-BACK, back-TRACK, fiscal counter-ATTACK, cause we're back in the black and we're back on TRACK!


In the cities, there's silence.
Silence rallies beliefs.
In the cities, will silence wake violence?
Indoctrinated defeats.

In our cities, there's silence.
Silence with no relief.
Structured systems, reliance on silence,
and it beggars belief.


ES-SEN-TIAL services: WE SALUTE YOU. Limited support but WE SALUTE YOU. Frozen wage but WE SALUTE YOU, and if you perish, WE'LL SALUTE YOU. But the credit is ours, for powers at large, as the social class heist life raft embarks. So STAY AT HOME. Your life is POSTPONED, but don't forget to pay the rent and pay your debts, and to SAVE YOUR SWEAT. Never waste an opportunity to re-educate the community, with draconian parallels, HELP YOUR NEIGHBOURS HELP THEMSELVES.

We're moving to the V-shape, U-shape, L-shape,
We're grooving to the V-shape, L-shape, U-shape
We're moving to the L-shape, U-shape, V-shape,
guaranteed to re-shape once we have...

CONTROL, nature's under CONTROL, holocene on HOLD, danger's passed, and we must restart. You'll find me on the right side, bright side, genocide, where elders are delighted to die to save our livelihoods, neighbourhoods, banking and consumer mass graves pave the way to better days, smarter ways because the west is the best, and one thing I can attest, neoliberalism CAN NOT FAIL THIS TEST!


In the cities, there's silence.
Silence rallies beliefs.
In the cities, will silence wake violence?
Indoctrinated defeats.

In our cities, there's silence.
Silence with no relief.
Structured systems, reliance on silence,
and it beggars belief.